среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


I like 1 song of hers thanks to the artist shes in a duet with. All times are GMT I've been discovering Albanian music for two years now, but it seems I still have a lot to learn. Not that I object to the female ones: I found many other songs of her and liked them really. galena znam diagnozata mp3

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I like music while it has good melody and good voice So I like both modern pop-songs and, as you say, "old-fashioned" folk songs.

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A rose by any name would smell as sweet! But the Bulgarian "chalga" as we call turbofolk which sounds like Albanian folk often has stupid texts I mostly use www.

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Max Barskih - Strannaya Translate to Originally Posted by Balkaneuro. I diagnozxta, the whole overpowering techno beat ruins the song, but when it is subtle with the original beat of the song it suits it well and makes it more modern sounding.

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It's been probably not so easy to go to a not too friendly country and present your country in the best possible way. Her songs have a more modern flavour, but, for a Belgian listener, they still seem very different from the average anglo-saxon popsong that we are hearing all the time on our radio's.

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I found many other songs of her and liked them really. But they really get hypnotic after a while and now I can listen easily for hours to his songs. I can name soooo many famous singers at the moment that just dont have vocals or range.

Alban Skenderaj - nje thirrje e deshperuar http: Nora Istrefi etno diagnozatz - proud to be albanian that's about it lol.

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Some of them I know, most not. I see most of our "pop" singers prominent right now as garbage and with no real talent.

Hey guys, thank you all! Ciljeta and Ingrid Gjoni are two of my most hated and the fact that they made a song together just kills me a little. It was one of the very first Albanian songs that I learned to know, and it hit me like a thunderbolt. Most of her texts are good. I propose we broaden the topic to include the whole Balkan? Originally Posted by cortom.

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I like 1 song of hers thanks to the artist shes in a duet with. I'm very interested in hearing about your own favourites, in so far as they are new to me. I'll try them all in time. I would be glad to buy them legally the ones I like that isbut that seems impossible here in Belgium.

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The time now is Hey, thank u for the suggests I know Poni and Nora Istrefi as names but I don't remember having heard their songs. I can tell you: Also Nora Istrefi sorry Cortom i see her as an extremly average singer. If you are interested in my favourite Albanian artists I have lots dignozata lots of them you might like to visit my Albanian music blog.

I apologize in advance for my long post but i'll explain why.

Or something like that anyway. If you wanna the most trendy ones - Preslava,Galena,Andrea, Dzhena I have tried everything possible to find a legal copy of 'Te dy' with Elvana Gjata but to no avail.

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