Each such file contains a typed abstract syntax tree AST , that is produced during the type checking procedure. In the example above, A. Cin the remainder of the program. Thisoption can thus be used, for example, to get faster edit-compile-testfeedback loops. Each warning can be enabled or disabled , and each warningcan be fatal or non-fatal. Multiple levels of packing can be achieved by combining -pack with -for-pack. Disable the set of warnings correspondingto lowercase-letter.
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It is displayed by ocamlopt -help. Native-code object files produced by ocamlopt cannot be loaded ocamlkpt the toplevel system ocaml. Add the given directory to the list of directories searched forcompiled interface files. If a warning isenabled, it is displayed normally by the compiler whenever the sourcecode triggers it.
USE flags - ocamlopt
This chapter describes the OCaml high-performancenative-code compiler ocamlopt, which compiles OCaml source files tonative code object files and links these object files to producestandalone executables. This reference forces M ocamlot be linked and itsinitialization code to be executed. The implementation is checked against the interface file x. On other platforms, the -p option will result in a less preciseprofile no call graph information, only a time profile.
Enable or disable colors in compiler messages especially warnings and errors. The output of the linking phase is a regular Unix or Windows executable file. Except on those points, the twocompilers should generate code that behave identically.
By default, the current directory is searched first, then the standardlibrary directory.
Consider the following example:. Then, linking with this library automatically adds back the -cclib and -ccopt options as if they had been provided on the command line, unless the -noautolink option is given. The options -pack, -a, -shared, -c and -output-obj are mutuallyexclusive.
Disable the set of warnings correspondingto lowercase-letter. They ocamlopy be used only for experimental and development work, not in released packages. Compatibility with the bytecode compiler is extremely high: The warnings are as follows.
Chapter 12 Native-code compilation (ocamlopt)
The name of the library must be set with the -o option. This lcamlopt can thus be used, for example, to get faster edit-compile-test feedback loops. The warning-list argument is a sequence of warning specifiers,with no separators between them.
Note ovamlopt warnings 5 and 10 are not always triggered, depending on the internals of the type checker. Multiple levels of packing can be achieved by combining -pack with -for-pack.
See also the Sys.

Implementations provide definitions for thenames exported by the unit, and also contain expressions to beevaluated for their side-effects. Full support for gprof is only available for certain platforms currently: Executables generated by ocamlopt are native, stand-alone executablefiles that can be invoked directly.
The following command-line options are oxamlopt by ocamlopt.
ocamlopt(1) - Linux man page
If the compilation unit whose implementation changed wascompiled with -opaque, no such recompilation needs to occur. Thisoption can thus be used, for example, to get faster edit-compile-testfeedback loops. Enable, disable, or mark as fatal the warnings specified by the argumentwarning-list.

The compiled implementationshould always ocmalopt referred to under the name x. If it is enabled and fatal, the compiler will alsostop with an error after displaying it. The ocamlopt command has a command-line interface very close to thatof ocamlc. Warning numbers and letters which are out of the range of warnings that are currently defined are ignored. Native-codeobject files produced by ocamlopt cannot be loaded in the toplevelsystem ocaml.
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