How a sincere medium may utilize the magical technique. His work is refreshingly humble and honest: Read the Ciceros's notes for a fuller understanding of the original text. Mode of Qabalistic analysis. Because of the ignorant duplicity of charlatans and the reticence of its own scribes and authorities, Magic for centuries has been unduly confused with Witchcraft and Demonolatry. On each student, therefore, is the task incumbent to ascertain for himself what must be considered true and reliable, and set ud on his own score an incontrovertible standard of reference. I must beg of the student, however, to bear patiently with me for a while in this and subsequent chapters, since I am dealing with a highly complex and difficult subject.
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To accept, however, the entire views of these writers is to receive acute mental indigestion. Ideal if you want to use the two together. Too numerous are the developments arising from this single postulate, and too numerous are the sug- gestive ideas which it raises, to enter into at this place. Medium is a negative instrument. Man is a child of the Gods, and to them must he aspire for union.
Symbols represent, on the Astral plane, real and tangible entities. I must be permitted to register a hatred of their too-facile classification, their perpetual readiness to apply labels of scathing opprobrium to things not altogether understood.
Llewellyn Publications, Long considered the best single introduction to the Qabalah for magicians, the third edition of Israel Regardie 's A Garden of Pomegranates is now better than ever, thanks to the extensive annotations and new material by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.
It is a pity, as I see it, that the public should be robbed of that super- lative freshness and originality which are his, and deprived of those aspects of his teaching that are fine, ennobling and enduring, simply because of a certain proportion of his literary output which is cer- tainly banal, petty, unimportant, and no doubt very reprehensible.

Usrael Eye in the Triangle: Yesod is lunar in nature, the Moon being the luminary attributed, inasmuch as a curious relation- ship israe, between the earth's dead satellite and the Astral Light.
Its primary symbol is the Tree of Life, a diagram that can aid in the study of the nature of the Universe, the essence of God, and the human mind, spirit, and soul.
The ideal male part of it ierael purely divine and spiritual, it is the Wisdom, it is Spirit or Purusha ; while the female portion is tainted in one sense, with matter, is indeed matter, and therefore is evil already. For the medium cultivates a passive and negative trance which regafdie her centre of consciousness below into what we may call the Nephesch, The Magician on the other hand is intensely active from both a mental and spiritual point of view, and though he too strives in regardir trance to hold the ratiocinative processes in abeyance, his method is to rise above them, to open himself to the teles tic rays of the Higher Self rather than to descend haphazard into the relative slime of the Nephesch, This constitutes the sole difference.
Any and every exertion of the will — the uplifting of an arm, the utterance of a word, the silent germination of a thought — all these are by definition magical acts.
The answer of the Chaldaean Oracles. Israel Regardie was a friend and student of Crowley, and served as his personal secretary for some time. Beyond all intellectual com- prehension in Itself, inasmuch as it could never be grasped by a mentality which is but a segment of its all-in elusiveness, It is stated to be Ain — Nothing. Eliphas Levi, the celebrated French Magician, hazards a novel view which I think may have some bearing on this problem and throws an illuminating ray on this proposition.
This work does not pretend to deal in any way with love-charms, rebardie and potions, nor with amulets preventing one's neighbour's cow from giving milk, robbing him of his wife, or to ascertain the whereabouts of gold and hidden treasure. There is another viewpoint of the Tree of Life upon which I should like to touch.
On the other hand, magical investigation of the lite, and its consequent spiritual realization in consciousness, assumes a greater dignity and a richer implication and profundity when well buttressed by a theoretical understanding.
It is definite and precise. Outline of magical theory of the universe. From the union of the Y and the H flow the ghe of all created things. How, in fact, could both bad and good force Nature to expose her exceptional forces? Vibration of god-names is associated with evocation of magical forces, states Blavatsky. Laid down centuries ago, the doctrine taught by the Buddha commends itself to me as providing a possible reason for this divorce, chaos and decay.
The Tree of Life: A Study in Magic
Their gross injustice and absurdity. In a word, ignorance.
Few are there to-day who w T ould appear to possess even the vaguest idea as to what constituted the high objective of that system tref by the sages of antiquity the Royal Art and the Trans- cendental Magic.
The technique of Mysticism divides itself naturally into two ;ajor divisions. Magic, on the other hand, is a mnemonic system of psychology in which the almost interminable ceremonial details, the eircumambulations, conjurations, and suit umigat ions are deliberately intended for the exaltation of the imagination and soul, with the utter transcending of regardid normal plane of thought.
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Jean's further remarks may very roughly be stated that if we wish to visualize the propagation of light-waves and electro-magnetic forces by thinking of them as disturbances THE TREE OF LIFE 63 in an ether, our ether may be thought of as a four-dimensional struc- ture, regqrdie up the whole continuum, and so extending through all space and all time, in which case lfie all enjoy the same ether.
In variegated forms, the archetypal ideas find their particular representation below ; stones, jewels, perfumes and geometrical forms all being peculiarly indica- tive in the mundane sphere of a celestial idea.
All the attributions following the first description of the Four Worlds hold true of this second method with the exception that I have just noted, that they are arranged on one Tree, Before closing this chapter, but one more series of conceptions must be mentioned. A consideration of the Gods of the Egyptians.
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